I had a phone call the other day from a man in the Suwanee, Buford area to set up a carpet cleaning appointment for four areas. After getting all of his information he asked, “How much do you think that will cost?” After hearing his EXACT-imate, he exclaimed, “Holy cow! I’ve never paid that much for carpet cleaning! That is a huge difference than $59.00. I realize your process is different, but I am having a party and only need it to look clean for a couple days.” I replied, “If they really charge you that would you please, please call me back and let me know?” If I hear back from him I will post it.
Simply put, “If there is that much difference in price, then there is that much difference in service!”
If you are looking to have your carpets “look clean for a couple days,” Carpet Cleaning Suwanee is NOT the carpet cleaner you should choose. The CitruSolution Carpet Cleaning Process Cleans Better, Dries Faster, Stays Cleaner LONGER, and It Smells Great! Our process was developed to eliminate the “looks clean for a couple days.”
A lot of people do not understand pricing differences when it comes to carpet cleaning. Here a few SIMPLE ways to explain the difference in PRICING:
1) Our price is the FINAL price, NOT a starting price.
2) There are no hidden fees like trip charge, fuel charge, heavily soiled areas charges.
3) There is no FINE PRINT.
Not only do most carpet cleaners use inferior products and processes (first mistake) but they also typically quote low prices in hopes of getting “in the door.” Whole house pricing is more often than not a NO-NO!
I said it before, but it is well worth repeating “If there is that much difference in price, then there is that much difference in service!”
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email or call.
J.R. Mitchell – Owner
CitruSolution Carpet Cleaning Suwanee, Buford & Sugar Hill
770-NO-STEAM (770.667.8326)